El presente reglamento es provisional y está sujeto a modificaciones.
Rogaining Gran Canaria (RGC)
We talked about a competition of orientation and resistance developed by tracks, paths and trails in a large expanse of open terrain, with a fixed term where competing teams of 2 to 5 runners in complete autonomy, without external assistance. For these reasons, it has a not inconsiderable adventure component.
The tour will be type Score, that is, each team will choose the controls that you want to go and order of step according to its strategy.
1.1. The teams will be consist of two, three, four or five components.
1.2. Categories
1.4. Each category has its own classification. There will be an absolute general classification for information purposes.
2.1. The map is the same for all categories and all controls has indicated.2.2. You must be a specific map orientation, simplified reading and 1:20,000 scale.
2.3. Map errors or any changes suffered by the ground since the last printing the map should upgrade if they are relevant for the test.
2.4. The maps should be protected against moisture and damage.
2.5. If a prior orientation map of the area, a statement of color copies of the latest edition of this map for everyone to see before competing in the competition.
3.1. There are no established routes; each team decides the order of passage through the controls.
3.2 Controls are only placed at points of terrain that are represented on the map. The competitors have to go through these points following the route that they themselves have chosen.
3.3 It is especially important that map describe terrain accurately around in the controls, and that the direction and distances from any angle of approach is correct.
3.4 Controls should not be placed in small elements of the field which are only visible a short distance if the map contains no other indications of support.
3.5. Each control is marked with a beacon for control consisting of three boxes of 30 x 30 centimeters, placed in a triangular shape. Each box must be divided of diagonal fashion, a white half and another orange.
3.6. The mark must be located in the element indicated in the map, according to the description of the control. Wherever possible, the beacon position control such that the competing people viewed only when they reach the described control point.
3.7. There is no maximum number of controls, but for the rogaining of 12 hours is a maximum of 60 controls.
3.8. Controls can have a different score (3 to 9 points), depending on the physical and technical difficulty.
3.9. The score will be indicated by the first digit of the numbering of the control. This code cannot be less than 31, in case of codes numbered 132, i.e. more than 99 the score will be identical to each and correspond to 5 points.
3.10. The team with the most points in a maximum of time (6h, 12h). Spend time penalty for each fraction leads late.
3.11. The delay penalty on the closing time will be:
3.7. No hay una cantidad máxima de controles, pero para la Rogaining de 12 horas se establece (por RGC) un mínimo de 60 controles.
3.8. Los controles pueden tener una puntuación diferente (entre 3 y 9 puntos), según la dificultad física y técnica y de forma excepcional (según RGC), se podrá da una puntuación de 10 puntos a los lugares más remoto de difícil acceso o dificultad técnica.
3.9. La puntuación estará indicada con el primer dígito de la numeración del control. Este código no puede ser inferior a 31, en caso, de códigos con numeración superior a 110, la puntuación será idéntica a todos y corresponderá a 5 puntos.
33 (3 puntos)
58 (5 puntos)
84 (8 puntos)
100 a 110 (10 puntos)
111 en adelante (5 puntos)
3.10. Gana el equipo que consigue más puntos en un máximo de tiempo establecido (3, 6 o 12 horas). Pasarse del tiempo conlleva penalización por cada fracción de retraso.
3.11. La penalización por retraso sobre el horario de cierre será la siguiente:
Hasta 5 mint...................... 5Ptos.
Hasta 10mint.................... 10Ptos.
Hasta 15mint.................... 20 Ptos
Hasta 20mint.................... 30 Ptos.
Hasta 25 mint................... 40 Ptos.
Hasta 30 mint................... 50 Ptos
Más de 30 mint................. Descalificado
3.12. Along with the map should give a description of the controls. This defines the control setting for the element appears on the map. The exact location of various controls must be defined in the description list controls.
3.13. The descriptions of the controls will be presented in the form of symbols, according to the descriptions of the controls on the IOF. Avoid those controls that cannot be clearly defined by the symbols of the IOF control.
3.14. It is recommended that the controls are arranged so that the fastest teams do not have time to visit them all.
3.15. The output will be represented on the map with a pink triangle, controls with a pink circle and arrival pink with a double circle.
4.1. The map, with all controls and their score drawn, will be given to the participants at least 15 minutes before departure, and only within the park closed.
4.2. People competitors must respect public and private property. Smoking is prohibited during the race.
4.3. You may not use any means of transport.
4.4. All team members must remain grouped, separated more than 20 meters apart.
4.5. Timing will be done with the system SportIdent. It should carry a card (SI-card) per person. Each card will be attached to the wrist of the corridor with a system approved by the Organization inviolable. For scoring, all team members must go together for each control and validate their passage control all bases.
4.6. The competitor is the only person responsible for validating correctly as it passes through a control, by checking the device function and visual sound base. Those competitors who lose control board (SI-Card) or breaking the inviolable attachment system will be disqualified.
4.7. In case of a tie on points, the team with the shortest time.
4.8. At the finish, wait to the last piece of equipment to dial control goal.
4.9. Bad weather will not be an obstacle to the realization of the test, although the organization may modify or suspend part or all of the keys for the safety of the participants.
4.10. Teams may not receive outside help, or the other teams, except in cases of injury or manifest danger.
4.11. Material Required:
By participant:
4.13. All persons associated with the test must meet strict rules set by the organization on environmental protection and other related instruction.
4.14. Areas beyond the limits or dangerous, forbidden routes and lines that cannot be crossed should be marked on the map. If applicable, also be marked on the ground. Those competitors cannot access, or continue to cross these areas, routes or boundaries.
4.15. All routes, crossing points and walkways should be clearly marked mandatory in the map and terrain. Competing persons must follow the full distance of any marked section of its stroke.
4.16. The GPS receivers use is prohibited. However, it will take you to record the tour and subsequently to analyze the race, each runner either for personal use, well Routegadget media into the organization. After launch and before the race, shall be sealed with a special bag or sticker. At the end of the race will be found that has not been unsealed, resulting disqualified teams have done so. For this reason, it must be expected that the battery exceeds many hours. In the case of mobile phones with built-in GPS receiver, also sealed, and in the event that the phone gets unsealed, the broker will give the organization every facility to check who has been to make emergency use of the phone, and GPS.
Recipients are permitted provided they do not strap allow for displaying maps.
5.1. It will be a test for the technical jury, composed of three members of age. They must belong to different clubs. The organization may designate an individual representative who may attend meetings of the jury, but shall have no voting rights. The decisions of the jury will be taken by simple majority.
5.2. The functions of the technical jury are any questions, complaints or issues that may arise during the race.
5.3. The jury will have the power to cancel one or more categories if you notice irregularities that clearly distort competition. Always act on the complaint of any person competing or organizing. The technical jury may also act on its own.
5.4. Only those competitors or organizers can complain.
5.5. If the complaint concerns any person competing as part of the jury, will appoint another person as a substitute competitor.
5.6. Any complaints about aspects of the race must be done first in writing the technical jury before the proclamation of the winners. The technical jury decide and if you don’t agree with this decision, the individual competitor may appeal in writing within 24 hours of the end of the competition to the Competition Committee.
5.7. The organization shall carry out the decisions of the jury, as a person readmit competitor has been disqualified by the organization, competing disqualify a person accepted by the organization, to annul the results of a previously approved category or approved by the organization that the organization results had declared invalid.
5.8. Disqualification:
6.1. The organization of the competition can determine additional regulations that must send to all participants by the means available.
6.2. These rules and any additional regulation will be binding on all persons competing, team representatives and other persons associated with the organization or in contact with people competing.
6.3. Fair play sports will be the guiding principle for the interpretation of these rules, both by competitors and the organization and the jury.
6.4. All organizers, participants and each of the people involved in the competition must meet these regulations and, with any problem, complaint or violation, not accept ignorance as an excuse.
7.1. All people participating in the Gran Canaria 2012 rogaining must behave with honesty and sportsmanship. Must be show a sporting attitude and a friendly spirit. People competitors must show respect for the other people competing against people representatives of the organization, to the staff of the media, to the public and to the inhabitants of the competition area. On the ground, people competing should be as quiet as possible.
7.2. Except in case of accident, is prohibited from receiving assistance from others competing or provide assistance to others during the competition. Helping people injured competitors are mandatory for all participants.
7.3. Everyone representatives of the organization and other agencies must keep secret the area and the terrain of competition before its official publication. Also keep secret any information on controls.
7.4. Except as expressly authorized by the organization, it is forbidden any attempt to visit the field of competition or training on it for the last two weeks of the start of the event, any participant that is located in that you can reject the application for registration.
7.5. Organizers control watchmen shall not disturb or stop any person competing, nor provide any information. These people must be quiet, discreet clothing and cannot help people who are approaching competitors controls. This rule also applies to all persons placed on the ground, such as those representing the media.
7.6. Once across the finish line, a person may not competing re-enter the field of competition without the permission of the organization.
7.7. Anyone who wants to remove competitor must immediately notify the arrival area, deliver your map and control card download. This retiree may not influence the competition in any form or help others competing.
7.8. Any person who violates a rule competitor or to benefit from the breach of a rule will be disqualified.
7.9. The organization shall invalidate the competition if ever circumstances occur that make the competition be unsportsmanlike or dangerous for people competing.
8. SOBRE LAS INSCRIPCIONES (esta sección deberá actualizarse)
Registration will take place exclusively through the web Should follow the instructions in the Registration section.
9.1. The advertising of snuff and high alcohol beverages is not permitted.
9.2. There are no restrictions on the amount of advertising that can bring people competing in his clothing or equipment of competition, provided they do not cover the dorsal.
10.1. The organization shall provide to the people representing the media about working conditions and opportunities to observe and report the test.
10.2. If required by the media, the organization shall provide to the people representing the media the following elements:
Rogaining Gran Canaria (RGC)
We talked about a competition of orientation and resistance developed by tracks, paths and trails in a large expanse of open terrain, with a fixed term where competing teams of 2 to 5 runners in complete autonomy, without external assistance. For these reasons, it has a not inconsiderable adventure component.
The tour will be type Score, that is, each team will choose the controls that you want to go and order of step according to its strategy.
1.1. The teams will be consist of two, three, four or five components.
1.2. Categories
- JJ: Between 15 and 19 years.
- HS, DS, XS: Senior categories: Men, women and mixed. Old open category.
- HV, DV, XV: Veterans. All members of the team are over 40 years.
- JV: Youth under 20 and Veterans over 40 years.
- SV: Super Veteran / as, over 55 years.
- FM: Family (with some degree of kinship)
1.4. Each category has its own classification. There will be an absolute general classification for information purposes.
2.1. The map is the same for all categories and all controls has indicated.2.2. You must be a specific map orientation, simplified reading and 1:20,000 scale.
2.3. Map errors or any changes suffered by the ground since the last printing the map should upgrade if they are relevant for the test.
2.4. The maps should be protected against moisture and damage.
2.5. If a prior orientation map of the area, a statement of color copies of the latest edition of this map for everyone to see before competing in the competition.
3.1. There are no established routes; each team decides the order of passage through the controls.
3.2 Controls are only placed at points of terrain that are represented on the map. The competitors have to go through these points following the route that they themselves have chosen.
3.3 It is especially important that map describe terrain accurately around in the controls, and that the direction and distances from any angle of approach is correct.
3.4 Controls should not be placed in small elements of the field which are only visible a short distance if the map contains no other indications of support.
3.5. Each control is marked with a beacon for control consisting of three boxes of 30 x 30 centimeters, placed in a triangular shape. Each box must be divided of diagonal fashion, a white half and another orange.
3.6. The mark must be located in the element indicated in the map, according to the description of the control. Wherever possible, the beacon position control such that the competing people viewed only when they reach the described control point.
3.7. There is no maximum number of controls, but for the rogaining of 12 hours is a maximum of 60 controls.
3.8. Controls can have a different score (3 to 9 points), depending on the physical and technical difficulty.
3.9. The score will be indicated by the first digit of the numbering of the control. This code cannot be less than 31, in case of codes numbered 132, i.e. more than 99 the score will be identical to each and correspond to 5 points.
3.10. The team with the most points in a maximum of time (6h, 12h). Spend time penalty for each fraction leads late.
3.11. The delay penalty on the closing time will be:
3.7. No hay una cantidad máxima de controles, pero para la Rogaining de 12 horas se establece (por RGC) un mínimo de 60 controles.
3.8. Los controles pueden tener una puntuación diferente (entre 3 y 9 puntos), según la dificultad física y técnica y de forma excepcional (según RGC), se podrá da una puntuación de 10 puntos a los lugares más remoto de difícil acceso o dificultad técnica.
3.9. La puntuación estará indicada con el primer dígito de la numeración del control. Este código no puede ser inferior a 31, en caso, de códigos con numeración superior a 110, la puntuación será idéntica a todos y corresponderá a 5 puntos.
33 (3 puntos)
58 (5 puntos)
84 (8 puntos)
100 a 110 (10 puntos)
111 en adelante (5 puntos)
3.10. Gana el equipo que consigue más puntos en un máximo de tiempo establecido (3, 6 o 12 horas). Pasarse del tiempo conlleva penalización por cada fracción de retraso.
3.11. La penalización por retraso sobre el horario de cierre será la siguiente:
Hasta 5 mint...................... 5Ptos.
Hasta 10mint.................... 10Ptos.
Hasta 15mint.................... 20 Ptos
Hasta 20mint.................... 30 Ptos.
Hasta 25 mint................... 40 Ptos.
Hasta 30 mint................... 50 Ptos
Más de 30 mint................. Descalificado
3.12. Along with the map should give a description of the controls. This defines the control setting for the element appears on the map. The exact location of various controls must be defined in the description list controls.
3.13. The descriptions of the controls will be presented in the form of symbols, according to the descriptions of the controls on the IOF. Avoid those controls that cannot be clearly defined by the symbols of the IOF control.
3.14. It is recommended that the controls are arranged so that the fastest teams do not have time to visit them all.
3.15. The output will be represented on the map with a pink triangle, controls with a pink circle and arrival pink with a double circle.
4.1. The map, with all controls and their score drawn, will be given to the participants at least 15 minutes before departure, and only within the park closed.
4.2. People competitors must respect public and private property. Smoking is prohibited during the race.
4.3. You may not use any means of transport.
4.4. All team members must remain grouped, separated more than 20 meters apart.
4.5. Timing will be done with the system SportIdent. It should carry a card (SI-card) per person. Each card will be attached to the wrist of the corridor with a system approved by the Organization inviolable. For scoring, all team members must go together for each control and validate their passage control all bases.
4.6. The competitor is the only person responsible for validating correctly as it passes through a control, by checking the device function and visual sound base. Those competitors who lose control board (SI-Card) or breaking the inviolable attachment system will be disqualified.
4.7. In case of a tie on points, the team with the shortest time.
4.8. At the finish, wait to the last piece of equipment to dial control goal.
4.9. Bad weather will not be an obstacle to the realization of the test, although the organization may modify or suspend part or all of the keys for the safety of the participants.
4.10. Teams may not receive outside help, or the other teams, except in cases of injury or manifest danger.
4.11. Material Required:
By participant:
- Waterproof jacket.
- Survival blanket.
- Canister or bag of water, at least 1.5 liters
- Food and emergency supplies
- Compass
- Whistle.
- Permanent marker transparent.
- Kit.
- Mobile phone has been given in the registration form
- SI-Card Cards
- Map
- Dorsal and cleats
4.13. All persons associated with the test must meet strict rules set by the organization on environmental protection and other related instruction.
4.14. Areas beyond the limits or dangerous, forbidden routes and lines that cannot be crossed should be marked on the map. If applicable, also be marked on the ground. Those competitors cannot access, or continue to cross these areas, routes or boundaries.
4.15. All routes, crossing points and walkways should be clearly marked mandatory in the map and terrain. Competing persons must follow the full distance of any marked section of its stroke.
4.16. The GPS receivers use is prohibited. However, it will take you to record the tour and subsequently to analyze the race, each runner either for personal use, well Routegadget media into the organization. After launch and before the race, shall be sealed with a special bag or sticker. At the end of the race will be found that has not been unsealed, resulting disqualified teams have done so. For this reason, it must be expected that the battery exceeds many hours. In the case of mobile phones with built-in GPS receiver, also sealed, and in the event that the phone gets unsealed, the broker will give the organization every facility to check who has been to make emergency use of the phone, and GPS.
Recipients are permitted provided they do not strap allow for displaying maps.
5.1. It will be a test for the technical jury, composed of three members of age. They must belong to different clubs. The organization may designate an individual representative who may attend meetings of the jury, but shall have no voting rights. The decisions of the jury will be taken by simple majority.
5.2. The functions of the technical jury are any questions, complaints or issues that may arise during the race.
5.3. The jury will have the power to cancel one or more categories if you notice irregularities that clearly distort competition. Always act on the complaint of any person competing or organizing. The technical jury may also act on its own.
5.4. Only those competitors or organizers can complain.
5.5. If the complaint concerns any person competing as part of the jury, will appoint another person as a substitute competitor.
5.6. Any complaints about aspects of the race must be done first in writing the technical jury before the proclamation of the winners. The technical jury decide and if you don’t agree with this decision, the individual competitor may appeal in writing within 24 hours of the end of the competition to the Competition Committee.
5.7. The organization shall carry out the decisions of the jury, as a person readmit competitor has been disqualified by the organization, competing disqualify a person accepted by the organization, to annul the results of a previously approved category or approved by the organization that the organization results had declared invalid.
5.8. Disqualification:
- Disintegration of the group, i.e., the teams always should stay together and not separated more than 20 meters from the rest of the team, especially to mark the control.
- If a component on the computer is removed, the entire team is eliminated. The rest may follow in the test, but out of competition.
- Do not carry any element of the binding material.
- Leave part of the equipment or littering during the race.
- Use prohibited material: GPS, altimeter, pedometer. Supports with any map and compass. Use calculator or computer to calculate the best route.
- No relief to another computer that ask for help.
- Having a negative or little respectful attitude towards nature, the private properties, the other teams, or members of the organization.
- Fold, cut or manipulate the dorsal.
6.1. The organization of the competition can determine additional regulations that must send to all participants by the means available.
6.2. These rules and any additional regulation will be binding on all persons competing, team representatives and other persons associated with the organization or in contact with people competing.
6.3. Fair play sports will be the guiding principle for the interpretation of these rules, both by competitors and the organization and the jury.
6.4. All organizers, participants and each of the people involved in the competition must meet these regulations and, with any problem, complaint or violation, not accept ignorance as an excuse.
7.1. All people participating in the Gran Canaria 2012 rogaining must behave with honesty and sportsmanship. Must be show a sporting attitude and a friendly spirit. People competitors must show respect for the other people competing against people representatives of the organization, to the staff of the media, to the public and to the inhabitants of the competition area. On the ground, people competing should be as quiet as possible.
7.2. Except in case of accident, is prohibited from receiving assistance from others competing or provide assistance to others during the competition. Helping people injured competitors are mandatory for all participants.
7.3. Everyone representatives of the organization and other agencies must keep secret the area and the terrain of competition before its official publication. Also keep secret any information on controls.
7.4. Except as expressly authorized by the organization, it is forbidden any attempt to visit the field of competition or training on it for the last two weeks of the start of the event, any participant that is located in that you can reject the application for registration.
7.5. Organizers control watchmen shall not disturb or stop any person competing, nor provide any information. These people must be quiet, discreet clothing and cannot help people who are approaching competitors controls. This rule also applies to all persons placed on the ground, such as those representing the media.
7.6. Once across the finish line, a person may not competing re-enter the field of competition without the permission of the organization.
7.7. Anyone who wants to remove competitor must immediately notify the arrival area, deliver your map and control card download. This retiree may not influence the competition in any form or help others competing.
7.8. Any person who violates a rule competitor or to benefit from the breach of a rule will be disqualified.
7.9. The organization shall invalidate the competition if ever circumstances occur that make the competition be unsportsmanlike or dangerous for people competing.
8. SOBRE LAS INSCRIPCIONES (esta sección deberá actualizarse)
Registration will take place exclusively through the web Should follow the instructions in the Registration section.
- They are open to everyone but limited to 200 runners. The organization has some additional places for invitations.
- The individual registration fee is --- euros.
- Who has no license FEDO must request a trial license which costs 3 euros.
- The use of the card is required IF-Cars for each corridor. Models are valid SI-8 (mode 6 hours) and SI-6, SI-9 (modality 12 hours). Who does not have a card you can rent it for 3 euros. You can also buy it at a price of 35 euros the SI-8 (30 labels) and 50 euros SI-9/SI-6 (50/60 labels).
- Members of “Club Deportivo Orientagc” Guidance will have a discount of 5 euros.
9.1. The advertising of snuff and high alcohol beverages is not permitted.
9.2. There are no restrictions on the amount of advertising that can bring people competing in his clothing or equipment of competition, provided they do not cover the dorsal.
10.1. The organization shall provide to the people representing the media about working conditions and opportunities to observe and report the test.
10.2. If required by the media, the organization shall provide to the people representing the media the following elements:
- The day before the competition, start lists, program information and any other information.
- The opportunity to participate in the test.
- A job quiet and protected from the weather in the arrival area.
- Choice Lists and Route Maps right after the competition.